Crowdfunder for "Reclaim Your Sh*t!"

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Forum Guidelines: Please use this forum to sell and trade artist books, zines, and self-published materials that you have authored, published, or wish to share or sell. Selling new or secondhand artist books and zines that you did not publish is fine and encouraged. This forum is not intended as a general marketplace for all art books, typical art monographs, or books that wouldn’t normally be defined as artist publications. Also, please do not include links to items on Amazon. We are all well aware of the harm that Amazon has caused to independent booksellers. This forum is intended for members that also post throughout the board. Please do not spam the board with inappropriate sales posts, join this discussion forum solely to sell things, or overuse this forum as an alternative to creating your own online store. Thanks!
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Crowdfunder for "Reclaim Your Sh*t!"

Post by brettbloom » Sat Nov 30, 2019 8:42 am

We are in the middle of fundraising for a new publication by Sarah Poppy Jackson called Reclaim Your Sh*t! Water. Beyond Value. It surveys the history of human waste handling and the devastating impact of the Victorian invention of the flush toilet, and how we move towards waterless human waste handling.

Here is the blurb from the back cover:

Why do we defecate in drinking water?
Sarah Poppy Jackson has pondered this question for many years.

Have you ever considered that we use drinking water in our toilets? In these times of climate breakdown, ecological degradation, social stress, and resource scarcity, isn’t it time this changed?

Taking a journey through the history of the flush, to our changing relationship with water, and on to bold suggestions for change, Reclaim Your Sh*t is starting the conversation we need to have, but convention holds us
from having.

Jackson is going to have you sitting on the toilet wanting to finish this pipe-blocker of a book.


Breakdown Break Down Press is excited about the formatting of this publication. I have designed it so it can easily be printed on Risographs on paper that is either Letter- or A4-sized. We will print the book in the US and UK (with Footprint Workers Co-op in Leeds) simultaneously. This reduces the cost and environmental impact of shipping between countries to zero; it makes mail orders affordable in Europe and North America. And ... it means that if you have a Risograph and want to print the book, we can send you the files, and you can help spread this important work.

Consider helping us print this book. Thanks! ... g-water-in
I am a co-founder of Temporary Services. We started Half Letter Press in 2008. I started Breakdown Break Down press in 2014 to focus on the culture of preparing for climate breakdown.

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